## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_POSITION1 ; Addr: 0x%08lx Ofs: 0x%03lx MSG_POSITION2 ; Bloc: %06ld Type: %s MSG_ADDRESS ; Address MSG_ERRORCODE ; error code %ld MSG_WINDOW ; window (Intuition) MSG_REALLYQUIT ; Do you really want to quit ? MSG_YESNO ; Yes|No MSG_PRINTTO ; Print to MSG_FILEINFO ; Name : %s\nSize : %ld\nBits : %s\nDate : %s\nNote : %s MSG_MEMINFO1 ; Memory size : %ld bytes MSG_MEMINFO2 ; \nArea %2ld : 0x%%08lx to 0x%%08lx MSG_DEVINFO ; Device : %s\nDriver : %s\nLowCyl : %ld\nHighCyl : %ld\nBlocs/Cyl : %ld\nSize : %ld bytes\nDisk type : %s MSG_ASKCHKSUM ; Compute checksum ? MSG_CHARACTER ; Character MSG_REALLYCLOSE ; Bloc not saved\nClose window anyway ? MSG_NOTCLOSED ; %ld block(s) not saved MSG_BADARG ; Bad argument MSG_USAGE ; Usage: AZap [LACE][WBENCH][FONT name]\n[MEMORY] [DEVICE name] [files...] MSG_SEARCHING ; Searching, please wait... MSG_ABORT ; Abort MSG_MAKINGBACKUP ; Making backup copy,\nplease wait MSG_NUMOFBLOCKS ; Number of blocks MSG_SAVETO ; Save to MSG_GOTOPROMPT ; nbr => jump at address 'nbr'\n nbr => jump to block 'nbr'\n@nbr => jump to address at 'nbr'\n#nbr => jump to memory area 'nbr' MSG_FILLPROMPT ; 'c' => fill with character 'c'\nnbr => fill with character which code is 'nbr' MSG_SEARCHPROMPT ; 0x1FBDF3 => hexadecimal search\nstring => ASCII search\n\"0x1FBDF3\" => ASCII search MSG_ASCIIPROMPT ; Number of character to search for ? MSG_BACKUPPROMPT ; Name of the backup copy ? MSG_HELP1 ; HELP: display this text MSG_HELP2 ; ESC : cancel last change MSG_HELP3 ; TAB : switch area (hexa <-> ASCII) MSG_HELP4 ; CTRL-down : first block SHIFT-down : last line MSG_HELP5 ; CTRL-up : last block SHIFT-up : first line MSG_HELP6 ; CTRL-left : next block SHIFT-left: first byte MSG_HELP7 ; CTRL-right: previous block SHIFT-right: last byte MSG_MENUPROJECT ; Project MSG_MENUEDIT ; Edit MSG_MENUTOOLS ; Tools MSG_MENUOPTIONS ; Options MSG_MENUSEARCH ; Search MSG_MTEXT11 ; Open file... MSG_MTEXT12 ; Open memory MSG_MTEXT13 ; Open device MSG_MTEXT14 ; Help... MSG_MTEXT15 ; Palette... MSG_MTEXT16 ; Save prefs MSG_MTEXT17 ; About... MSG_MTEXT18 ; Quit MSG_MTEXT21 ; Undo all MSG_MTEXT22 ; Jump back MSG_MTEXT23 ; Next block MSG_MTEXT24 ; Parent block MSG_MTEXT25 ; Root block MSG_MTEXT26 ; Header block MSG_MTEXT31 ; Infos MSG_MTEXT32 ; Examine MSG_MTEXT33 ; Print... MSG_MTEXT34 ; Convert MSG_MTEXT35 ; Save block MSG_MTEXT36 ; Fill block... MSG_MTEXT51 ; Search... MSG_MTEXT52 ; Search text... MSG_MTEXT53 ; Search next MSG_MTEXT54 ; Search file MSG_MTEXT41 ; Checksum MSG_MTEXT411 ; Always MSG_MTEXT412 ; Ask if MSG_MTEXT413 ; Boot blocks MSG_MTEXT414 ; Automatic MSG_MTEXT42 ; Auto save MSG_MTEXT43 ; Read only MSG_MTEXT44 ; lwr = UPR MSG_MTEXT45 ; Backup copy MSG_MEMORY ; Memory MSG_ERROPEN ; cannot open MSG_ERRMEM ; not enough memory MSG_ERRFONT ; font too large MSG_ERRDISK ; no disk in drive MSG_ERRPROT ; is write protected MSG_ERRFOUND ; not found